vineri, 11 martie 2011

It exists life after Laura

-Chris, come and watch Bakugan with me!
-I’m busy.

-Chris, come and see me playing on the laptop!
-I’m busy.

-Chris, come and see my paintings!
-I’m busy, Ervin.

-Chris, I made you this paint. Look... here’s mom and dad and you and the little one is me.
-Thanks, Ervin. Why is dad bigger than the house?
-Oh, I wanted to be like that.

-Ervin, can you help me writing something, please?
-Yes, of course! What?
-It’s like a letter, in english and I know that you learn english at school.
-But I don’t know to write very well in english. I make mistakes, a lot of them.
-Oh, come on! I heard that you are very good at english and it doesn’t matter if you don’t write it very well, you just have to write it.
-Are you sure?
-Yes, little E. Here, look. A chocolate for energy. And a sheet of paper and a pen. This is gonna be our secret, O.K.? No mom and dad.
-Yes! Yes! It’s gonna be our secret.
-O.K. I trust you.
-But why don’t you write it?
-Ervin! Are you stupid or what?
-What? I’m gonna tell mom that you said the ,,S” word!
-Stop...I’m sorry. I can’t write anything, Ervin. And you know that and you know that this question pisses me off!
-Sorry, sorry, sorry Chris. I’ve forgotten. The illness.
-The disease. The super power. My super power!
-Yeah, right.
-Ha, ha. Now take the pan and write.
-Salut. Sper ca esti...
-Chris, how do you write ,,sper”?
-You write it just the way it sounds. You’ll write all the words just the way they sound. Now write. Sper ca esti bine si ca... Wait. Erase ,,si ca”.
-Chris, you smell like alcohol. Are you drunk?
-No, Ervin. I went to the dentist and there was blood in my mouth and the dentist put some alcohol to stop the bleeding. So I smell like alcohol. Where did we left?
-,,Sper ca esti bine”.
-Bine... Go on.
-I hope that you are alright... ,,si ca totul este bine. Ca esti fericita. Azi a fost o zi buna, productiva chiar. Am luat un absend total dean boulea la a 3-a ora si am si ...”
-,,Dean boulea?” What’s that?
-Something like worthless, you know?
-Ha, ha. You took an absence ,,dean boulea”. Ha, ha. I’m gonna tell dad and he’s gonna be mad.
-No! No dad, Ervin! No mom! No dad! Write! ,,Am si cazut pe gheata, dar traiesc”. Put a smiling face. ,,Eu... stii ceea ce cred dar... dupa toate astea... sunt slab. Vroiam sa iti spun doar ca imi pare rau. De fapt nu imi pare absolut deloc rau. Nu imi pare rau ca te-am cunoscut. Imi pare rau ca te-am supra apreciat. Asta regret cel mai mult. Te-am supra apreciat si sunt un prost. Despre asta si vorbeam. Incredere oarba. Sunt un prost. Nu te invinovatesc. E normal, logic, uman. Ai uitat, ai adormit, ai dormit, ai uitat. Eu sunt ala care se astepta la prea mult. Stiu ca iti pare rau, apreciez. Stiu ca ai uitat, apreciez. Stiu ca ma apreciezi, multumesc. Nu e la tine, e la mine. Chiar daca eu sunt ala handicapat care nu stie sa scrie. Sa stii ca asta e a doua scrisoare, o scrie Ervin. Pe prima am mazgalit-o eu si am aruncat-o.”
-What? What Ervin? It’s about me, right?
-No Ervin. It’s not about you. Please, just write. You’ll understand when you’ll grow up. ,, In imaginatia mea inca o sa ma mai astepti, asa cum am planuit impreuna. Scuza-ma. Sunt singur. Atat. Aveam doar pur si simplu nevoie de cineva. Dar nu imi pasa. O sa gasesc pe cineva ca tine. A fost ca un fel de intampinare cu ramas bun. Imi pasa de asta si imi pasa doar pentru ca m-am bazat prea mult. Iarta-ma. Sunt un cretin. Si nuorisi care. Ci cel mai mare cretin ever. Uita. Serios.” Put another smiling face. ,,In plus mam certat tare de tot cu ai mei din cauza ca au avut prea mult de platit pentru abonament. Si microfonul de la laptop la stricat fratemiu. As vrea sa uiti si atunci cand ne mai intalnim sa nu ne cunoasteam. Ar fi prea dubioasa treaba altfel. Sa nu ne mai cunoasteam niciodata. Exagerez. D.A. Sunt beat. Beat si proast.”
-My hand hurts, Chris!
-Write! ,,Tu doar uita. Eu o sa imi vad de orasul meu si de trebuirele mele. Trebuie sa mai cresc. Trebuie sa imi cumpar niste ochelari de cal prin care sa nu mai vad portite de iesire. Astia vechi aveau gauri, multe. Ca un schvitzer.”
-Chris! I’m hungry! I don’t understand a thing and I want to pee!
-We’re almost there!
-I’m going to toilet!
-Let go of my hand! It hurts! What’s wrong with you?
-Sorry... Sorry, Ervin! But, it’s just very important for me. Please. Hang on...sorry, Ervin. ,, Am scobit mult pana sa dau de lumanarea de la capatul tunelului. Dar a batut vantul si sa stins desi sa stii, ca tu ma aparai de vantul ala. Sper ca asta sa ramana intre mine si tine, aur. Atat. Maine o sa-mi para rau. Dar e mai bine asa. A fost o evadare frumoasa si superficiala. Cea mai frumoasa evadare. Sa stii, Laura, ca inca iti urez tot binele din lume”
-Chris, are you crying?
-No... I’m cold. I’m feeling cold.
-But when you feel cold, you don’t cry.
-Well, I do.
-Who’s Laura?
- ,,Dar poate la facultate! Facultatea de Medicina din Boston am auzit ca e foarte buna...Suna frumos. Dar pana atunci, e prea mult. Imi pare rau. Nu mai inteleg nimic. Dar tu cand o sa cresti o sa intelegi.”...Thanks, Ervin.
-May I go now?
-Go...Wait! Give me the paper. I think I’m going to throw it away.
-Whaaaaaaat? And I wrote it for...nothing?
-No, no, no Ervin! You wrote it for me. You made me understand things, I guess. Or I’m just drunk.
-You’re what?
-Dizzy. Confused! Drunk it’s a word like confused!
-Yeah, you think I’m stupid.
-No little E. You’re a hero! Go to sleep now. Don’t forget. Just our secret. No mom, no dad! You’ll understand when you’ll grow up. Sweet dreams.

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